Join London’s Cycling Revolution
During the first lockdown whilst we were all self isolating and our unfamiliar roads were desolate and empty London’s Mayor speeded up work on increasing the cycling network. All over London both temporary and permanent cycle lanes were built and introduced to encourage cycling.
“During this time my family and I started cycling, as a family, every Saturday morning and sometimes Sunday too.”

Prior to Lockdown previous London Mayor Boris Johnson and the current Mayor Sadiq Khan had invested heavily in cycles schemes and the cycle super highways in a response to the bottlenecks and overcrowding on all of London’s public transport networks.
However, I was extremely impressed that with the introduction of the First Lockdown in March, many of these latest cycle network schemes were pushed forward in approval, development and build.
By the end of the first Lockdown some of London’s busiest roads had whole vehicle lanes barried off, removed and made into cycle friendly lanes. Some temporary and some permanent structures amazingly popped up overnight across London. Bus stops were even moved away from pavements and new bike lanes introduced that segregated cyclists from buses at these familiar cyclist danger points.

“As a family, with a 6 year old, we started to really enjoy our weekly cycle rides that took us all over London discovering things old and new. The lack of vehicles and the ability to use far more cycle lanes gave us confidence to explore further.”
Covid-19 has taught us Londoner’s that being packed tight like sardines on a tube carriage and standing in close proximity to arm pits on double decker buses is no environment for stopping the spread of the virus or even for general commuter happiness.
Strangely isolation and restricted travel arrangements have also opened up all of our lives to the future of enjoyable, cheap and healthy travel. Commuting and exercise can now be enjoyed on the capital’s streets safely on bikes. On roads that previously threatened intoxicating vehicle emmissions and the run of the gauntlet style daily threat of serious injury or even perhaps death from huge polluting vehicles weighing tonnes.

“Cycling has now become a part of my families daily life and is now an enjoyable way to exercise, get to school, go to work and explore.”
What’s the future of cycling in London
Aswell as ongoing work introducing many more cycle lanes and bike paths to London’s cycle network there are also plans on making another 11km of these new temporary cycle routes permanent in the very near future.
Furthermore TFL has set a target of creating 450km of new Cycleways by 2024. The terms “Superhighways” and “Quietways” will both be dropped in favour of the new cycle network called Cycleways.
You can find more information and details of the latest ongoing Tfl Cycleways works here

The time is right to start cycling again
So now is the right time to dust off, clean up and oil up your old bicycle that’s been hiding in your garage, hallway or that has been unceremoniously left chained up outside.
The Government is also giving you £50 to help get your old bike back on the road with their Fix Your Bike Voucher Scheme. See here
You can also have a look if you can take advantage of the Cycle to Work Scheme. Whereby you can get a tax free loan giving you a substantial discount on the purchase of a brand new bike.
Get cycling and join London’s cycling revolution and lets reclaim back our streets.
Embrace The Capital’s Cycling Renaissance